Forklift Danceworks - Dance for All


Allison Orr finds beautiful movement everywhere – in trash collecting, in teaching science, and in bodies with mixed ability. Allison is Artistic Director and Founder of Forklift Danceworks, which allows all kinds of people to be engaged in the creative process of dance. Under her belt are projects that featured employees of the Austin Sanitation Department and Austin Energy. The performances were seen by thousands of people and gave the employees a chance to show off the beauty of their work – and their sweet moves. Forklift also facilitates dance in the classroom: free creative dance classes are offered to schools in Austin via their Leaps and Bounds program.

Allison takes her passion for dance a step even further by working with other dance teachers and choreographers to provide classes to people with mixed ability. The program, called Body Shift, makes the art of dance accessible and embraces the fact that each body moves in a different way.

My roles on this video included ideation, direction, videography, editing, and post-production.