
Movement/Yoga Asana: In these sessions we use movement and breath to connect the mind, body, and spirit leaving you with a feeling of empowerment, peace, and connection. 

Along with these blissful feelings, yoga asana is a detoxifying and immunity building practice that purifies the body both physically and energetically. Asana is also a great tool for rehabilitating from or preventing injuries from sports or sitting at a desk for long hours, for example.

Whether you choose a yang practice (dynamic, strengthening, and heat building – think sweaty!), or a yin practice (more meditative, introspective, with long holds of the postures, great from accessing the fascia and increasing flexibility), or a combination of both, you will be challenged physically and mentally, encouraging you to confront long held beliefs about yourself and the way you see and think about the world. I weave yogic and Buddhist philosophy into the sessions helping to inspire your practice to transcend beyond the mat, carrying it into your everyday life. These sessions range from 75-90 minutes.


Santi – Mindfulness: Do you sometimes feel like you’re running in circles in your mind, spiraling out and going nowhere, or simply have trouble focusing? Life is busy and a lot of times we’re just getting in our own way by being at the mercy of our mind and habitual behaviors and responses to our surroundings. Meditation and mindfulness practices are vital tools on any journey of self discovery, self healing, self empowerment, and self love. In these sessions we will identify where you are feeling held back or blocked and from there determine accessible practices that can help you connect with your higher self, be fully expressed, and aligned with your true nature, and live love. A few of the areas that can be explored are forgiveness, anger, self love, manifestation, gratitude, open heartedness, letting go, self sabotage, and limiting beliefs. These sessions have something to offer all levels of practitioners, whether you‘re new to meditation and wondering where to start or you have an established practice and would like to discover some new techniques. From setting up a space, posture, chakra activation of different asanas for meditation, preparing the mind and body for meditation with asana and pranayama, various mudras and their energetic benefits, to overcoming obstacles and concentration tips and tricks. Use your mind to shape your brain for greater happiness, love, and wisdom and connect with the infinite and luminous landscape of your true nature. These sessions run 60-75 minutes and typically include theory, pranayama, 1 or 2 meditations, and other practices that you can do at home. As Jack Kornfield said, “meditation is not a luxury or a privilege, it’s a responsibility” to ourselves and to society. Let’s be responsible humans and live a more harmonious and peaceful existences!


Breathwork: Breathwork is an active meditation whereby using an alternative breath pattern than what you’re accustomed to, we will very quickly get out of your mind and into your body allowing the inherent wisdom of the body to take over and move and release energy, thus healing itself. Breathwork allows you to let go of your automated responses, creating space and opportunity for things such as retained emotions, trauma, and limiting beliefs to move and be release, you tap into different parts of yourself helping to transform old patterns and blossom into the most vibrant and alive version of yourself, accessing different states of consciousness that can send you a roadmap to who you really are. The breath is complemented by verbal guidance, touch, crystals, and energy and sound healing via instruments and vocals to help the movement, releasing, and healing processes. These sessions typically run 90 to 120 minutes. We spend some time talking at the beginning and then you lie down and the magic happens!


Crystal Healing: Crystals are an integral part of my own spiritual and healing practices. I have always been attracted to and very sensitive to these beauties and started integrating them into my world to enhance my life on all levels after a very powerful acupuncture session that incorporated crystal healing and changed my life in a lot ways!!! Thank you Dr. Senko, I will forever be grateful for that!!! As we know, nothing in nature is by accident and the wisdom and power of the earth to heal and enlighten is unparalleled. So it comes as no surprise that these beautiful majestic gifts from the earth hold deep healing properties that we can harness and use to our benefit. These sessions can either be a full chakra activation, balancing, and alignment or we can work with crystal prescriptions to target a specific challenge. I use my intuition coupled with my knowledge of crystals to determine which crystals to use, in what combination, and on what chakras or parts of the body and often incorporate mantras and energy work to enhance the movement, recalibration and/or release of energy. I will also send you home with suggestions as to what crystals you can incorporate into your daily routine and how.

These sessions typically run 75-90 minutes. We spend some time talking at the beginning and then you lie down and the magic happens! I apologize but these can not be done remotely so hopefully you are able to visit me wherever I happen to be frolicking in the world!


Crystal Guidance: Perhaps you are intrigued by crystals much in the same way I was and simply aren’t sure where to begin with integrating them into your life. Which crystals would I benefit from having in my home and where would they best be placed? Can I carry them with me for protection? How do I incorporate them into my meditation practice? How do I care for them? I am happy to assist you on your journey of crystal companionship! I know it sounds a little crazy but they really are like companions and can enhance our lives in so many ways! I know my life would not be the same without them. So much so that I take mine with me all over the world on my journeys. They mean that much to me!

These sessions typically run 60-75 minutes and are more educational and informative than experiential and can be done in conjunction with a crystal healing or other offering or on it’s own!


Pendulum Clearing: A pendulum, put simply, is a weighted object (usually a crystal) on a string that is used as a way of connecting to divinity and can be equated to a physical manifestation of our higher self or sixth sense. Pendulums can be used for cleansing energy in people, places, and objects, spiritual guidance, find lost items or water sources, and answering questions or making decisions. In a pendulum clearing session we go through 6 energetic fields (disturbing effects of others, water, wood, fire, earth, and metal). As we go through each field we discuss what each of us felt, heard, saw, and how they may relate to what each field represents emotionally and symbolically. Pendulums tap into our own intuition which we may sometimes have trouble hearing or abiding by for various reasons - they help us cut through the noise so we can arrive at our truth. On a deeper spiritual level, pendulums help us connect to our angels, guides, ancestors, and other unseen energies that are here to protect, guide, and support us. In addition to a general pendulum clearing, we can also do clearings for specific challenges, questions, and guidance. 

These sessions typically last 60-75 minutes, can be done remotely, and may be added to any other offerings. We spend some time talking at the beginning and then you lie down and the magic happens!


Inner Child Healing: When we think back to our childhood, many of us remember play, laughter, adventure, and wonder, but most of us also suffered some form of neglect and trauma, whether it be big or small. The trauma can range from a seemingly minor incident, such as a difficult move during your formative years, to emotional or physical abuse. For many of us, this suffering informs our interpersonal relationships and ideas of self worth. Inner child work is a vital component of inner work as it reconnects us with a wounded element of ourselves, the child within. When we reconnect with this fragmented part of ourselves, we can begin to discover the roots of many of our fears, destructive behavioral patterns, limiting beliefs, and insecurities. We will look at the emotional developmental phases and determine which ones to work with. Then, through visualizations, meditation, movement and prompted journaling you will learn to connect with and begin to heal your inner child(ren). Bringing awareness to their presence within you, listening, and embracing their previously unmet needs and desires. Through this heightened awareness and intimacy you will begin to sense your inner child as you move through life and learn practices to give them the love and support they have been longing for allowing you to release that which has been holding you back from living your fullest expression and sharing your gifts with the world.

This work is most effective when done over multiple sessions, ideally going through all of the emotional developmental phases and identifying core wounds and how they manifest themselves in your current life. However you can also benefit from a single session through recognizing and developing a relationship with your inner child. The number of sessions can be accessed via a free 30 minute consultation. These sessions typically run 75-90 minutes and are well complemented with breathwork sessions.


Non-attachment: As human beings we are wired to seek pleasure and avoid pain, often leading us to cling to sources of (temporary) pleasure, thus developing attachments. It’s not hard to spot, we are a society plagued by attachment and the list of things we can become attached to is endless; people, ideas, places, our self images, expectations, praise, money, our practice, substances, material possessions, food, love, our body and having an extraordinary life (instagram syndrome).

In these sessions, we will look at and work with the Buddhist dharma of non-attachment and it’s antidotes, the spiritual law of attachment, attachment styles, and attachment to roles or identities that we take on. Through meditation, prompted journaling, investigation, understanding, compassion, and non-identification we can begin to find freedom from destructive behavior and tap into real, sustainable happiness - it’s already there, within us, we just have to get out of our own way.

These sessions range from 90-120 minutes and are best done in a package of 2 or 3.


Post Session Creative Play Processing and Integration: So much energy is shifted, released, and balanced during sessions and it is very important to process and integrate all of these changes on a cellular level, which happens over the days and weeks following a session. One very powerful and fun way to help accentuate and enhancing the processing of a session is through creativity. In these post session creative play sessions, we can explore, express, and integrate the shifts and wisdom together through drawing, painting, writing, and song. This can be added on to any of my offerings and typically run 30-45 minutes and can be done remotely as well as in person.


Packages available! For more information or to book please email me at

I look forward to hearing from you!

Boring but necessary fine print:

-Payment must be made in advance to secure your session time.

-Any changes to session times must be done 48 hours in advance.

-No refunds.